4. Which of the following is an example of a control group in an experiment? A) The group of plants exposed to sunlight B) The group of plants given fertilizer C) The group of plants not exposed to any treatment D) The group of plants watered daily​

4. Which of the following is an example of a control group in an experiment? A) The group of plants exposed to sunlight B) The group of plants given fertilizer C) The group of plants not exposed to any treatment D) The group of plants watered daily​


Answer is A


The group of plants exposed to sunlight. The control group in an experiment refers to a group that is not given the treatment or stimulus being investigated, but is otherwise similar to the treatment group in terms of factors such as environment, demographics, and background. By excluding the influence of the treatment, the control group allows researchers to compare the effects of the treatment on the treatment group and draw conclusions about cause and effect. In this example, the control group represents the plant population that is not given any synthetic fertilizer, enabling researchers to compare the growth, health, and productivity of those plants with those of the plants given fertilizer.


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