Who made the stonehenge and why they made it​

Who made the stonehenge and why they made it


The Stonehenge, a prehistoric prehistoric monument located in Wiltshire, England, is a collection of megalithic stones arranged in a circle, surrounded by a rectangular earthwork with a circular area within and two entry gates. It is believed to have been built by the early Neolithic people around 3,000 to 2,800 BCE. The exact purpose of the Stonehenge is not fully understood, but many believe that it was a place of ritual and cultural significance for the people who built it. One theory is that it was a place of worship, possibly used to mark the seasons or honor ancestors. Another theory is that it was used as a burial site for important leaders or family members. It's also possible that it was built as a way of honoring the gods or to demonstrate the power of the ruling elite.


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